Next on the tee.....

Providing kids with opportunity

Welcome to Beyond Birdies, a dynamic organization inspired by a passion for golf and a commitment to addressing the diversity gap within the sport. Our founder, driven by personal experiences and a desire to make a lasting impact, envisions a future where Beyond Birdies not only introduces young individuals to golf, but supports them throughout their journey, ensuring that economic constraints never limit their passion for the sport. Join us on this exciting endeavor as we work towards a more inclusive and diverse landscape in the world of golf. Beyond Birdies is not just about the game; it’s about empowerment, breaking down barriers, and fostering a love for golf that transcends socio-economic boundaries.

Changing the face of golf

By changing the face of golfers

“We are committed to making golf more inclusive and diverse, welcoming players from all backgrounds to experience the joy of the game.”


What inspired the creation of Beyond Birdies?

While traveling across the country for golf, I noticed a significant lack of diversity on the courses, particularly in terms of African American representation. Having been influenced by the Tiger Woods movement that attracted people of color to the game, and observing a recent push for diversity in the golf industry, I felt compelled to address this gap. This realization became the catalyst for founding Beyond Birdies.


Why did you choose golf as a platform to connect with youth?

Beyond being an avid golfer, I deeply appreciate what the game embodies. Golf teaches discipline, dedication, and the focus required for competition, along with virtues such as patience, honesty, and integrity. These invaluable lessons are best instilled early in life, making golf an ideal means to connect with youth.


How did you discover the game of golf, and what impact could Beyond Birdies have had on your youth?

I encountered golf during my later years in high school when some friends played. Despite lacking clubs, I tagged along a few times. However, the perceived expense of equipment, lack of knowledge about courses, and the absence of golf in my family deterred me. Reflecting on my own experience, I wish Beyond Birdies had existed during my youth, providing not only access but also guidance on navigating the game.


What is your vision for the future of Beyond Birdies?

As the golf community witnesses an increase in minority adult players, Beyond Birdies aims to play a pivotal role in diversifying the landscape further. By offering economic support and access to golf, especially to the youth in these families, we strive to break down barriers that have historically limited opportunities. Beyond Birdies envisions providing comprehensive support from introducing golf to students all the way through high school, ensuring that passion, not financial constraints, determines the extent of their involvement in the game.

If you would like to support our efforts to help kids learn about and experience the game of golf, as well as learning valuable life lessions, you can donate online below. Or, send us a check at: Beyond Birdies, P.O. Box 326, Elm Grove, WI, 53122-0326. Your contribution is tax deductible and greatly appreciated.

Or, if you would like to help with services, products or simply partner with us in some fashion please contact us at

Our mission is to ensure that golf reflects the rich tapestry of our society. We’re actively working to break down barriers and promote diversity within the sport. – USGA

Our Valued

Beyond Birdies is extremely gratefull to the many organizations and individuals who have supported us in our efforts to help bring the game of golf to a new generation who have traditionally not had that opportunity.

Tony Smith


Kerry Rise


Linda lehman


Blaine Gibson

Board member